WCS After Care provides a snack and drink, outside time, homework time, 

structured art and crafts, and learning activities. 

Two staff members are present at all times.

Students may “drop in'' for After School Care, attend occasionally, 

or they may attend every day. 

If your child does not attend every day, please call the front office so we can

notify your child and the teacher. 

After School Care is offered from 3:30pm-5:30pm for Kindergarten - 12th grade; 

and 12:00pm-5:30pm for Preschool students. This service must be prepaid.


Preschool (12:00pm - 3:30pm) : $10.00 per day/child

Preschool (12:00pm - 5:30pm) : $15.00 per day/child

K-12th (3:30pm - 5:30pm) $10.00 per day/child

Students may be picked up before 5:30pm, but if your child(ren) are in ASC

after 5:30pm, you will be charged an additional late fee of $1 per minute. 

Note: Scholarships do NOT pay for AfterCare. 

These costs are the parents’ responsibility. 

Late or non-payment may result in the loss of services. 

This service must be PREPAID. No charging.