Tuition & fees

2025-26 Tuition & Fees will change. Info coming soon.

2024-2025 Westwood Christian School Tuition Information

***Items with an asterisk indicate changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

***Preschool Tuition Total:                           $3,300

***Kindergarten through Third Grade:      $8,399

***Fourth through Eighth Grade:               $7,753 

***Ninth through Twelfth Grade:               $7,632


Scholarship Funds: Parents are responsible for verifying Westwood 4 times a year in order for the funds to be transferred to the school. This is done on the SUFS website. Parents will receive emails regarding this matter throughout the year. Any amount that is not covered by SUFS will be the responsibility of the parents/guardians.

Self-Pay Full Payment Discount

2024-2025 tuition balances of Self-Pay students paid in full by August 31, 2024 will receive a 5% discount per student.

After School Care Prices for All Students

After School Care charges begin at 3:30pm.

Preschool (12:00pm-3:30pm) -  $10.00 per day

Preschool (12:00pm-5:30pm) - $15.00 per day

K - 12th grades (3:30pm-5:30pm) -  $10.00 per day

If a child is picked up after 5:30pm, an additional $1.00 per minute will be charged.

Parents will be charged for each AfterCare day attended. 

If a child is picked up after 5:30pm, an additional $1.00 per minute will be charged.

      *After School Care payments must be PREPAID.

A Minimum of a $50 balance is recommended to be maintained.

Payments can be made through the WCS office via cash or check, 

or below. Keep in mind that Online payments

take 24-48 hours to be processed. 

Step-Up Scholarships do not cover fees for Lunch or After Care including Staff Salaries.

Parents who do not keep their account up-to-date may lose these privileges. 

For extenuating circumstances concerning payments, please

contact the WCS Administration.       

(WCS Board Approved:  07/1/2024 )

   You can pay online below!


For further tuition information, please call our main office at (386)362-3735.


WCS currently accepts:

Florida Tax Credit, 

Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options, 

Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities, 

and AAA Scholarships for our students. 

Call Step-Up for Students for more information: 1-877-735-7837, or

visit their website at:

Please note: These scholarships are for K5-12th grade ONLY. Preschool is not included. 

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