- Education: BS - Marshall University; M.Ed - Nova University
- Over 35 years educational experience in classroom and administration
- FLDOE Certified in Math, Spanish, and School Principal
- 8 years at Westwood
WCS Faculty and Staff
Bill Yanossy, Principal
Tara lowe-Phillips, ASSISTANT principal
- Education: BA and MA - University of Florida
- 17 years educational experience, 8 years administrative experience
- FLDOE Certified in English 6-12, Humanities K-12, Reading Endorsement K-12, Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum 5-9, and the Civics Seal of Excellence.
MALLORY BRYANT, 8-12 GR. Curriculum Coordinator, Dual Enrollment & Flvs Specialist
- Education: BA in Mass Media Communication & Applied Mathematics
- 15 years of educational experience, 4 years administrative experience
- FLDOE Certified in Mathematics 6-12
Tiesha norris, Administrative Assistant
- Education: Lake City Community College
- 22 years teaching experience at WCS
- Attended WCS as a student for nine years
TerrY Woods, BookKeeper
- Education: AA in Office Management - Lake City Community College
- Owner/Operator of Woods Bookkeeping and Payroll Services
- 22 years of bookkeeping experience
Jean ohrmund, k-3/K-4
- Education: AS in Early Childhood Education - Lake Sumter State College
- 19 years classroom experience
- CDA certified
- Has taught VPK, Head Start, K3, K4, and K5.
Mary Fletcher, Kindergarten
- Education: Certificate of Education in Early Childhood Training
- Online early childhood educational courses through Rochville University
- 43 years teaching experience in PreK, Kindergarten, and 1-5th grades
- CEU training at Pensacola Christian College
- Led teacher training seminar in Syracuse, NY
Annie day, kindergarten
- Education: Currently a student at NFC
- CDA and FCCPC Certified.
- 6 years at WCS
Amy Ivie, first Grade
- Education: BS in Elementary Education - University of Phoenix
- 20 years teaching experience at WCS
- Attended WCS as a student through sixth grade
Pam Wainwright, second grade
- Education: BA in Special Education - Florida State University
- Education: MA in Special Education - Florida State University
- Certified ESE K-12; Certified Elementary Ed K-6
- 32 years teaching experience
Patty Boswell, Second Grade
- Education: BS in Elementary Education
- 20 years of experience teaching at WCS
Jennifer Smith, third Grade
- Education: BA in Early Childhood Education from Ashford University
- 12 years teaching experience
Patty smith, third grade
- Education: Credentials for Early Childhood Education and Directors from North Florida Community College
- CDA Certified
- 13 years of teaching experience
Betty Barker, Fourth GraDE
- Education: AA - Central Florida Community College
- 11 years experience teaching at WCS
- Former assistant director of a daycare in Ocala, Florida
misty cashmore, fourth grade
- Education: AA degree
- 6 years teaching experience
- Former Special Education instructor at Suwannee Primary School
kelly cushman, fifth grade
- Education: BA in Elementary Education from the University of Florida
- 15 years teaching experience
Betty Radcliff, 6th grade english &
social studies
- Education: BA in Elementary Education
- Education: MA in Educational Leadership from University of S. Florida
- Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education, ESOL, and Ed Leadership
- 43 years experience in teaching.
emily barker, 6th grade science & math
Education: AA from North Florida Community College
7 years teaching experience
3 years at WCS
Mary dionysius, Middle school math & science, 7th grade bible
- Education: BA in Education from Thomas Edison State College
- Education: MA in Educational Leadership from Concordia University
- 18 years teaching experience
Brandy Geering, middle school english, social studies, 8th grade bible
- Education: BA in Education from Nova Southeastern University
- Education: MA in Education from Nova Southeastern University
- 6 years teaching experience
alyssa cashmore, High school spanish, history, & chorus/drama
- Education: Completing BA in Wildlife Conservation from Unity College
- 6 years experience teaching
benjamin mowry, high school english & keyboarding, girl's volleyball coach
- Education: AA degree from North Florida College
- 4 years of teaching experience at WCS
- Coast Guard Veteran
jesse caskin, high school math
- Education: BA in Engineering, with a Minor in Mathematics, from Pensacola Christian College
- 2 years teaching experience at WCS
stephannie terry, High school science & hope
- Education: BA in Business Leadership from Baptist College of Florida
- 2 years teaching at Westwood
gavin cashmore, computer lab facilitator, HOPE AND BIBLE INSTRUCTOR
- Education: AA in Divinity from the Baptist College of Florida
- 2 years teaching experience
- Pastor of Suwannee Station Baptist Church
Elke Day, Art teacher
- Education: CDA in Early Childhood Development
- 18 years teaching experience
- Small business owner of art
benjamin kurz, chorus and journalism, boy's basketball coach
- Education: BA from Spurgeon Baptist Bible College
- 9 years teaching experience
- Ordained minister and trained counselor
- Has worked in pastoral ministry for 22 years
- Pastor of Faith Baptist Church
Luciana dacosta, physical education
- Education: BA in Physical Education from PUCPR Brazil
- 20 years of experience as a Personal Trainer
- Certified in CPR and First Aid
- 4 years at WCS
- Education: Currently attending college in pursuit of an Early Childhood Education degree.
- Fluent in Spanish
- 4 years experience in Children's Ministries and camps.
- Currently working on her CDA.
- First year at WCS.
nancy warren, k3-k4 and after school care
- 39 years experience teaching at WCS
- Has taught pre-school, kindergarten, and 1st grade
- Supervises the Pre-School Aftercare.
Carl Thomas, chapel leader, Counselor
- Education: BA in Extension Studies - Lee University
- Education: MA in Counseling from Pentecostal Theological Seminary
- Ordained Bishop in the Church of God
- Certified in Chaplaincy
- Missionary evangelist who has served in Kenya, Ghana, Canada, China, Philippines, and other locations.
- 8 years at WCS
- Education: BA in Extension Studies - Lee University
Kim Howard, Food Service Manager
- Certified by Safe-Serv
- CPR and First Aid Certified.
- 13 years experience at WCS
priscilla isidro, after school care,
K3 Assistant, Lunch Assistant
- Substitute teaching experience for 2 years
- CDA Certified
- Fluent in Spanish
Shadyah Cabrera, After School CAre
- Education: Bachelor's Degree
Juan Quispe, custodian
- 13 years at WCS
- Certified in Basic Fire Extinguisher
- Fluent in Spanish